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Tomato Soup with Cheddar Dumplings


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I made tomato soup with cheddar dumplings. Overall, it was a much better idea than execution. For the dumplings, I used the same recipe[@rev] as last time[@rev] (again halved) but I added 3/4 ounces of cheddar cheese (I added it with the dry ingredients)

For the soup, I kind of threw it together. It was:

I did it all in the blender, except with only half the can of tomato past before adding the rest. The real problem is that I used way too much onion and garlic powder. It was a bit overwhelming.

I added the dumplings which was hard since the soup was so thick. But the dumplings came out ok. I couldn't really taste the cheese at all, but I still enjoyed them.

It made two servings

Frozen caramelized onions Tomatoes before broiling Tomatoes after broiling The cheddar dumplings